Restoring balance
Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This ancient medicine is based on the insight that physical and mental complaints arise from disturbances in the energy system of the body. With acupuncture, these disturbances can be corrected and the energy flow in your body is brought back into balance. Acupuncture encourages the body and mind to heal itself.
If you have complaints that are not described on this website, please do not hesitate to contact me
And then you're pregnant! Off to a happy period filled with pink clouds. But that can be a bit disappointing. The ailments you may develop during your pregnancy can be a real drag on your daily life. Just about everything changes in your body and sometimes your body can't keep up with all those changes. Nausea, heartburn, fluid retention, lower back pain, fatigue, etc etc.
What can acupuncture do?
With acupuncture, you can naturally and harmlessly reduce your symptoms. You come back into balance with your energy and your body can cope better with the fluctuations. Specific complaints that are very personal I include in the treatment and we discuss per appointment where the focus should be.
How many treatments are needed depends on the nature and severity of your complaints.
Breech or delayed delivery
Your baby has to turn in the uterus at some point, but sometimes that doesn't happen by itself. There are very specific points on mothers' bodies that promote turning and research has shown that this can work very effectively. Approximately 25% more turns through acupuncture! These points are on the feet and lower leg, the abdomen is never treated during pregnancy beyond 3 months.
The chances of turning success are greatest if treatment is started around 33 to 34 weeks and only if the baby is allowed to come. Contact with the midwife is always pleasant, especially for the mother-to-be. Acupuncture can also be used to induce labor and relieve pain during your delivery. I do not have to be at the birth for this.
I can also give any partner massage tips for the days before labor or during labor.
Click onWhat does a treatment entail for general information.
For rates & insurace you can find information here.
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