Hello,  I am Yosay

Yosay, Josay, Yosaj, Yosie, I was called all kinds of things. I worked a lot with international clients and colleagues and my name turned out to be quite confusing. To explain my name phonetically, I used Yo! and the English verb To Say and that's how my company name Yosay was born 25 years ago. Pleased to meet you!

How I became an acupuncturist

At a young age, I suffered a severe back injury, with a fractured vertebra pressing on my nerves. The pain became increasingly unbearable, but despite that, doctors refused to do an MRI scan. This caused me to search for answers on my own, which led me to yoga. I immersed myself in the human body and anatomy, and the more I learned about my body, the better I was able to manage the pain. Instead of avoiding the pain, I learned from it and gained more and more insight into my own body.

This experience inspired me to explore philosophies such as Taoism, Buddhism, yoga and Tantra, with their holistic approach to healing. Eventually, after an MRI scan, I was diagnosed with a broken back and a successful surgery followed. Although my body recovered, I still felt a deeper imbalance. Acupuncture changed this. After just one treatment, I felt immediate relief. This led me to leave my career in the commercial sector to pursue a new direction. I began my studies at the Traditional Chinese Medical Academy (TCMA), where I was able to combine my knowledge of yoga and holistic philosophies with Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Since then, acupuncture has helped me in many areas, such as during menopause, where diet and lifestyle changes have significantly reduced my symptoms. Chinese nutrition has taught me how to support my body naturally without strict diets. My choice of an accredited naturopathic education, which teaches both Western and Eastern medical knowledge, was intentional. As a member of the Dutch Association for Acupuncture (NVA), I attend yearly continuing education in both Western and Eastern fields.

Meanwhile, I am also an instructor at the Traditional Chinese Medical Academy (TCMA) and am responsible for guiding students during their internships and teaching hands-on classes in pulse and tongue diagnosis, anamnesis and systemic treatments. With my expertise, I help them develop their diagnostic skills and understand Traditional Chinese Medicine in a deeper, systematic way. By combining practical experience and theoretical knowledge, I support students in their journey towards holistic care and treatment methods.

This journey has taught me how closely body and mind are connected. Each complaint tells its own story and requires a personalized approach aimed at restoring balance and stimulating the body's self-healing ability.