Common complaints

Restoring balance

Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This ancient medicine is based on the insight that physical and mental complaints arise from disturbances in the energy system of the body. With acupuncture, these disturbances can be corrected and the energy flow in your body is brought back into balance. Acupuncture encourages the body and mind to heal itself. 

If you have complaints that are not described on this website, please do not hesitate to contact me

Fertility issues

You have a desire to have children but pregnancy is not forthcoming. Before you go into a major process such as IVF, ICSI or IUI, acupuncture may be a solution for you. Research shows that acupuncture significantly increases the chances of pregnancy.

Sometimes there are identifiable medical causes such as endometriosis or problems in the ovaries or sperm problems. Also very often there is no medical indication for the lack of pregnancy.

What does acupuncture do?

We take a close look at your cycle. It is important that prior to the appointment you have tracked your cycle for several months. We agree on how to take your temperature to eventually have a monthly overview of your temperature. This gives me insight into where and when an imbalance occurs in your hormonal balance and we can repair it.

In men, acupuncture has a positive effect on sperm quality and overall health.

During IVF treatment acupuncture can be supportive both physically and emotionally. Getting more in touch with your body restores confidence and increases calmness. It also improves the quality of all elements within the uterus and sperm.

It is advisable to make an appointment six to eight weeks in advance before you start the treatment.

Click onWhat does a treatment entail for general information.
For rates & insurace you can find information here.