Restoring balance
Acupuncture is part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This ancient medicine is based on the insight that physical and mental complaints arise from disturbances in the energy system of the body. With acupuncture, these disturbances can be corrected and the energy flow in your body is brought back into balance. Acupuncture encourages the body and mind to heal itself.
If you have complaints that are not described on this website, please do not hesitate to contact me
Addiction is often a taboo subject to express. It can be a smoking addiction, alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, it can still play out in your life or you have had your addiction under control for some time but still feel the effects of it.
What can acupuncture do?
Acupuncture can offer you physical and mental support in your addiction recovery. This often goes hand in hand with a program you follow at an addiction treatment center or therapist.
Your body has been in a survival mode for a while and therefore help in balancing your nervous system and energy housekeeping can be very desirable.
Spiritually, acupuncture can also support you, because body and mind are always together. Balance and rest will also affect the mind. Confidence in yourself will increase and this will have a positive influence on your recovery.
Click onWhat does a treatment entail for general information.
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